A Note to the Ninth Graders

Hello Guys! I want to make a quick note to you before you explore Mathematics relevant to your core syllabus. You’ve been studying Mathematics for a long time. No one in the world can say “I don’t need Mathematics”. Why is that? Let me give you an example. When you read a comprehension passage from your English Text Book, the next step is to answer the questions. Have you ever seen the questions without the numbers in front? Definitely the answer is no.

Now I would like you to think of the instances in which we use Mathematics in our practical Life. Once you get any ideas comment under this article.

Then ninth Grade is possibly the correct place where you want to identify your weaknesses and correct them. If you do not get a good basic even in this grade it’ll be a tough task to recover in the upcoming Grades. So be positive about yourself and rather than relying upon any single teacher first believe in yourself. I’m not meaning that you should not believe any teacher. But I have seen some students who rely upon their Teachers solely. In that case they do only the work their Teachers command them to do. They will not take any personal Interest. Their mind repeats as follows “If I do what the Teacher says then everything will be alright. I can succeed in the exams and have a good knowledge.”

First of all avoid this type of thought. It applies to me too. You should not solely rely on the content in this Blog. You should use it as an aid to achieve mastery in Mathematics. Think of the Childhood of Scientists and Mathematicians like Newton, Plato, etc. Did they go to Tuition classes? Did they have high technological facilities as we do have now? No. If so how was it possible for them to be so much talented? Note these words.

“I’m not having extraordinary talents. I’m a normal guy as others. But the difference is I’m curiously passionate about the subject” - Einstein

This is one of my favourite quotations. It makes sense! Doesn’t it? Now what should you do?

1)      Believe in yourself completely ( To change performance change behaviour)
2)      Create an interest in the subject – For that you should first think of the practical uses of Mathematics and how useful it can be to you if you learn it in and out.

That’s it. Continue to the next section and follow the content and develop your ideas in Mathematics. If you have any doubts, please contact me or else you can clear your doubts from your Mathematics Teacher. 

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