Sunday, July 30, 2017

Art of Living - PPD

So, generally Life has been a mess for most people. It is simply because they have not taken the effort to take it to the right way or else they simply haven't got a chance to know that the direction of Life can be changed at your own will. So, here's your opportunity. You can either use it or loose it. The opportunity cost of loosing it might be a lot and I don't want you to think of what you lost after another 10 or 20 years. EVERY DAY MATTERS.

Who is Dr.Kolonne?

Student of Ananda College Colombo.
Completed his Undergraduate Degree in University of Colombo
Completed Masters Degree in the University of Sri Jayawardanapura
Completed PHD in the International University of America
Started career in 1979 as an Instructor in Engineering Mathematics at the University of Peradeniya.
Consultant of NSB and National Enterprise Bank.
Worked at Kothalawala Defense University.
Worked at IBM corporation
Appointed as deputy director of the Directorate of Internal Intelligence.
Involved with the Defense Ministry

He gave a lot of motivation and inspiration for us which helped us a lot to gain confidence in life and hopefully in future as well.

It seems we can get a great life by simply improving relationships with people around us. It starts by speaking the right words. You know, you can make a person feel so good and also feel so bad just with words. At times we don't tend to hurt on purpose, but it happens. If we can take control over here, it would make a remarkable change in our Life.

Success is not just defined by money, it is simply happiness and the key to get there is by focusing on some basic stuff. It is very important to stay positive. When you draw attention to positive things you generally tend to attract a  lot of good things into your Life. For example, when you go to a restaurant, just say you were given a terrible food. Your responses can be of two types.

1. "Can you throw away this junk food and get me something else?"
2. "Can I get some good food? This does not seem good."

In the first case, you're just being negative and focusing on the bad side of it. The bad food can also be termed as "not good" as in the second case where you're focusing on getting good food. Obviously you know which response would get you the good food from the Hotel Server quickly.

One practice that you can follow is to be thankful for whatever you have. Just try making a list of things that you're thankful for, start your day from it and also go through it before you sleep. By doing this, we can break our typical habit of "focusing on what we do not have". When we be thankful for what we have, our eyes open up to the opportunities around us which we were not able to see so far. As a result, we tend to get more things or good in Life and it increases on and on and on. So, I'm on my path to lead a positive life and reach the happiness part which I would call as success. Now, it's your turn to decide what you want to do....

"Whether you think you can or not, in either cases you are correct"

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions and you can also shoot me an email if you want to. Stay tuned to receive future updates as well.

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