Monday, July 17, 2017

The Expert Game - PPD

We had a group of 05 members initially and were told to select 03 members to talk about our expertise areas for 05 minutes. Then we were give some time for the 03 people to talk about their own expertise areas within the group and also for the others to ask any questions they might have once the person finishes talking.

Our expertise areas were :

1. Cooking(Teshani)
2. Riding Vehicles(Me)  
3. Watching Cricket Matches(Janith). 

At this point we had no idea of what was next and were just made aware of the unique expertise areas of the other person in the team. Then we were given 15 minutes to create a Product/Service where all of these expert areas will have to be interconnected. At first we were like how are we gonna do this for a moment. But then quickly we got a few ideas to integrate the 03 areas into a Business. Our idea was to initially perform some Bike Stunts in some areas which in turn will create a lot of audience in that area and we can use this to sell our foods in the bus we have.(Food Bus) Once we develop our Business in this manner, later we planned to somehow get into contract with cricket council Srilanka and also get the contract to supply foods to people and players whenever there's a cricket match. This would increase our profits by a lot which can help us to invest in creating virtual reality theaters to telecast Cricket Matches to People and also sell our Foods to them in our Theaters as well. In our business to supply foods to cricket grounds, we will have to setup a network to deliver foods easily with the help of riders. We also planned to create a delivery network where we can provide delivery service to any Business and empower them. So at the end of the day, we had 03 Business plans in our hand with one master company.  F. C. D (Food, Cricket, Deliverer) Inc is the Master Company and the following 03 are the sub companies.

1. Bite Foods Inc
2. Sports Theater Inc
3. The Deliverer Inc

This was a great outcome and we were able to see our potentials through this activity and how interconnected simple things were. It's like anything is possible from everything. With this boost of confidence we moved onto the next activity.

Pen and Thread Activity

We were divided into 03 teams of 09 members each and were given thread, pen and a paper. Then our team was given the word "Symbol" to be written on paper, but there's a tricky part. We can't touch the pen directly or even touch it when something's covered on it. We can communicate with our team and come up with any possible strategy to complete the task successfully.

Then we tied strings to our pen on the top and bottom side connected. So one person can hold onto the two strings. But as we tried writing using this strategy, although we got the shape of letters correctly onto the paper, there was no ink on paper. Later I thought it was due to the downward force on the paper not being enough. Hence we tied another string to be having two pieces on opposite sides and on right angles to the other two pieces of strings that are already tied on the pen. The purpose of this two strings is that it will be used to give a downward force, so that the ink will be printed on paper. So as we tried this mission we were right about it and successful. All the team members supported in holding the string in the right way, so that we actually get the letters of the word "Symbol" written nicely. All in all it was a great day. :-)

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